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 Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
34-135 V
Continuous Input
1.8-48 V
240 W
Max Power
2250 V dc
DC-DC Converter
The InQor(R) Half-brick converter series is composed of next-generation, board-mountable, isolated, fixed switching frequency dc-dc converters that use synchronous rectification to achieve extremely high power conversion efficiency. Each module is supplied completely encased to provide protection from the harsh environments seen in many industrial and transportation applications. Operational Features
* Highefficiencies,upto91%atfullratedloadcurrent * Deliversfullpowerwithminimalderating-noheatsinkrequired * Operatinginputvoltagerange:34-135V * FixedfrequencyswitchingprovidespredictableEMI * Nominimumloadrequirement
Mechanical Features
* IndustrystandardHalf-brickpin-outconfiguration * Standardsize:2.390"x2.490"x0.512"(60.6x63.1x13.0mm) * Totalweight:5oz(142g)
Protection Features
* Inputunder-voltagelockout * Outputcurrentlimitandshortcircuitprotection * Activebackbiaslimit * Thermalshutdown
Control Features
* On/Offcontrolreferencedtoinputside * Remotesensefortheoutputvoltage * Outputvoltagetrimrangeof-20%,+10%
MechanicalDrawing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 IQ70-HPCFamilyElectricalCharacteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 IQ70-HPCFamilyFigures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 IQ70018HPC60(1.8V,60A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . . .6-7 IQ70033HPC57(3.3V,57A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . . .8-9 IQ70050HPC44(5.0V,44A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . 10-11 IQ70120HPC20(12V,20A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . . 12-13 IQ70150HPC16(15V,16A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . . 14-15 IQ70240HPC10(24V,10A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . . 16-17 IQ70280HPC8F(28V,8.5A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . 18-19 IQ70400HPC06(40V,6.0A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . 20-21 IQ70480HPC05(48V,5.0A)CharacteristicsandFigures . . . . . . . . 22-23 ApplicationNotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-27 OrderingInformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08
Safety Features
* 2250V,30MW input-to-output isolation * UL/cUL60950-1recognized(US&Canada), basic insulation rating * TUVcertifiedtoEN60950-1 * MeetsdirectiveswhichfacilitatesCEMarkinginuser's end product * BoardandplasticcomponentsmeetUL94V-0standard * RoHScompliant(seelastpage)
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Page 1
Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
2.486.020 (63.140.5) 2.00
1.400 (35.56) 1.000 (25.40) 0.700 (17.78) 0.400 (10.16) 0.243.020
0.512 +0.002/-0.005
(13 +0.05/-0.12)
Overall height
765 Top View
Side View
0.233 .020
(5.92 0.5)
M3 Threaded Standoff 4 Places
0.400 (10.16)
0.027 +0.007/-0.010
(0.69 +0.17/-0.25)
1.400 (35.56)
Bottom side Clearance
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Pins1-3,5-7are0.040"(1.02mm)diameter,with0.080" (2.03mm)diameterstandoffshoulders. Pins4and8are0.080"(2.03mm)diameterwith0.125" (3.18mm)diameterstandoffshoulders. Recommendedpinlengthis0.03"(0.76mm)greaterthanthePCB thickness. AllPins:Material-CopperAlloy;Finish-MatteTinoverNickelplate Weight:5oz.(142g)typical Alldimensionsininches(mm)Tolerances: x.xx+/-0.02in.(x.x+/-0.5mm) unless otherwise noted. Workmanship:MeetsorexceedsIPC-A-610CClassII Appliedtorqueperscrewshouldnotexceed6in-lb.(0.7Nm). Baseplateflatnesstoleranceis0.004"(.10mm)TIRforsurface.
Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Notes: 1) 2) 3) SENSE(-)shouldbeconnectedtoVout(-)either remotely or at the converter. LeaveTRIMpinopenfornominaloutputvoltage. SENSE(+)shouldbeconnectedtoVout(+) either remotely or at the converter. name Vin(+) ON/OFF Vin(-) Vout(-) SENSE(-) TRIM SENSE(+) Vout(+) Function Positive input voltage TTLinputtoturnconverteron andoff,referencedtoVin(-),with internal pull up. Negativeinputvoltage Negativeoutputvoltage Negativeremotesense1 Positive remote sense3 Positive output voltage Outputvoltagetrim2
7) 8) 9)
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
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Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
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Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
IQ70 FAMILY eLeCtRICAL CHARACteRIStICS (all output voltages)
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
150 135 2250 2250 2250 100 125 18
Units notes & Conditions
V V V Vdc Vdc Vdc C C V V V V V V F TypicalESR0.1-0.2 H\F Internalvalues;seeFigureE Continuous Continuous
ABSOLUte MAXIMUM RAtInGS InputVoltage Non-Operating Operating OperatingTransientProtection IsolationVoltage InputtoOutput InputtoBase-Plate OutputtoBase-Plate OperatingTemperature -40 StorageTemperature -55 VoltageatON/OFFinputpin -2 InPUt CHARACteRIStICS OperatingInputVoltageRange 34 InputUnder-VoltageLockout Turn-OnVoltageThreshold 32.7 Turn-OffVoltageThreshold 30.4 LockoutVoltageHysteresis InputOver-VoltageShutdown RecommendedExternalInputCapacitance InputFilterComponentValues(L\C) DYnAMIC CHARACteRIStICS Turn-OnTransient Turn-OnTime Start-UpInhibitTime 200 OutputVoltageOvershoot ISOLAtIOn CHARACteRIStICS IsolationVoltage(dielectricstrength) IsolationResistance IsolationCapacitance(inputtooutput) teMPeRAtURe LIMItS FOR POWeR DeRAtInG CURVeS SemiconductorJunctionTemperature BoardTemperature Transformer Temperature MaximumBaseplateTemperature,Tb FeAtURe CHARACteRIStICS SwitchingFrequency 255 ON/OFFControl Off-StateVoltage 2.4 On-StateVoltage -2 ON/OFFControl Pull-UpVoltage Pull-UpResistance Over-TemperatureShutdownOTPTripPoint Over-TemperatureShutdownRestartHysteresis ReLIABILItY CHARACteRIStICS CalculatedMTBF(Telcordia)TR-NWT-000332 CalculatedMTBF(MIL-217)MIL-HDBK-217F FieldDemonstratedMTBF
70 33.1 30.8 2.3 100 3.4\4.0
135 33.5 31.2
10 230 0
ms ms %
Fullload,Vout=90%nom. FigureF MaximumOutputCapacitance SeeAbsoluteMaximumRatings
30 1000 125 125 125 100 275 295 1.8 0.8 5 50 125 10 TBD TBD
M pF C C C C kHz V
SeeNote1 Packageratedto150C ULratedmaxoperatingtemp130C
Isolation stage switching freq. is half this
ApplicationnotesFiguresA&B V k C C
106 Hrs. 80%load,200LFM,40CTa 106 Hrs. 80%load,200LFM,40CTa 106 Hrs. Seeourwebsitefordetails
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 3
Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
STANDARDSCOMPLIANCE UL/cUL60950-1 EN60950-1 NeedleFlameTest(IEC695-2-2) IEC61000-4-2
File#E194341,Basicinsulation CertifiedbyTUV Testonentireassembly;board&plasticcomponentsUL94V-0compliant ESDtest,8kV-NP,15kVair-NP(NormalPerformance)
Note:Anexternalinputfusemustalwaysbeusedtomeetthesesafetyrequirements.ContactSynQorforofficialsafetycertificatesonnew releasesordownloadfromtheSynQorwebsite.
QUALIFICATIONTESTING LifeTest Vibration MechanicalShock TemperatureCycling Power/ThermalCycling DesignMarginality Humidity Solderability
32 5 5 10 5 5 5 15pins
95%ratedVinandload,unitsatderatingpoint,1000hours 10-55Hzsweep,0.060"totalexcursion,1min./sweep,120sweepsfor3axis 100gminimum,2dropsinxandyaxis,1dropinzaxis -40Cto100C,unittemp.ramp15C/min.,500cycles Toperating=mintomax,Vin=mintomax,fullload,100cycles Tmin-10CtoTmax+10C,5Csteps,Vin=mintomax,0-105%load 85C,85%RH,1000hours,continuousVinappliedexcept5min/day MIL-STD-883,method2003
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
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Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
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Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
IQ70 FAMILY FIGUReS (all output voltages)
Nominal Vout
Typical Current Limit Inception Point 100
Output Voltage (%)
80 Typical Output Voltage at Shutdown 60
40 Vin min 20 Vin nom Vin max 0
90 100 110 120 130 140 150
Load Current (% )
Common Figure 1: Typical startup waveform. Input voltage pre-applied, ON/OFF Pin on Ch 2.
Common Figure 2: Output voltage vs. load current showing typical current limit curves and converter shutdown points.
Trim Resistance (kOhms)
Trim Resistance (kOhms)
1.8 V
3.3 V
12 V
15 V
24 V
28 V
40 V
48 V
10.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
100.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Increase in Vout (%)
Increase in Vout (%)
Common Figure 3: Trim graph for trim-up 1.8 to 12 V outputs.
Common Figure 4: Trim graph for trim-up 15 to 48 V outputs.
All voltages
Trim Resistance (kOhms) 1,000.0
10.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Decrease in Vout (%)
Common Figure 5: Trim graph for trim down.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596 Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 5
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 1.8 V 60 A IQ70018HPC60
IQ70018HPC60 eLeCtRICAL CHARACteRIStICS (1.8 Vout)
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
45 2.5 0.12 230
4.6 60 4
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;1.8Vout;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 1.782 1.8 0.1 0.1 -27 1.755 0 0 66.0 70 14 72.0 0.8 1.9 0.1 1.818 0.3 0.3 27 1.845 140 30 60 78.0
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5;SeeNote2 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
15,000 70 500 -20 2.1 2.2 83 88 10 10 2.3
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicand15Flow-ESRtantalumcapacitors.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleand noise,consultSynQorapplicationssupport( Note2:Trim-uprangeislimitedbelow10%atlowlineandfullload.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 6
Technical Specification
100 95 27 24 21
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 1.8 V 60 A IQ70018HPC60
Power Dissipation (W)
Efficiency (%)
18 15 12 9 6 3 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
85 80 75 70 65 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
70 60 50
70 60 50
Iout (A)
40 30 20 10 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
40 30 20 10 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%75%-50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 15 F Tantalum + 1 F Ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout (200 mV/div), Ch 2: Iout (25 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (200 mV/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 7
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 3.3 V 57 A IQ70033HPC57
IQ70033HPC57 eLeCtRICAL CHARACteRIStICS (3.3 Vout)
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA 500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended Vinmin;3.3Vout;incurrentlimit(typ)
50 2 0.24 370
60 3
0.1 0.1 -50 3.218 0 0 62.7 68.4 1.7 1.2 0.1 180 25
0.3 0.3 50 3.383 360 50 57 74.1
% % mV V mV mV A A V A mA Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low
80 400 -20 3.9 4.0 88 91 10 10 4.2
mV s % % V % %
50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5;SeeNote2 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicand15Flow-ESRtantalumcapacitors.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleand noise,consultSynQorapplicationssupport( Note2:Trim-uprangeislimitedbelow10%atlowlineandfullload.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 8
Technical Specification
100 95 30 27 24
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 3.3 V 57 A IQ70033HPC57
Power Dissipation (W)
21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Efficiency (%)
85 80 75 70 65 60 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
60 54 48 42
60 54 48 42
Iout (A)
30 24 18 12 6 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
36 30 24 18 12 6 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 15 F Tantalum + 1 F Ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout (200 mV/div), Ch 2: Iout (25 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (500 mV/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 9
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 5.0 V 44 A IQ70050HPC44
IQ70050HPC44 eLeCtRICAL CHARACteRIStICS (5.0 Vout)
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
45 2 0.35 450
9.0 60 3
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;5Vout;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 4.95 5 0.1 0.1 -75 4.875 0 0 48.4 170 23 52.8 2.7 0.55 0.4 5.05 0.3 0.3 75 5.125 340 50 44 57.2
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5;SeeNote2 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
8,000 200 400 -20 5.9 6.1 87 90 10 10 6.4
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicand15Flow-ESRtantalumcapacitors.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleand noise,consultSynQorapplicationssupport( Note2:Trim-uprangeislimitedbelow10%atlowlineandfullload.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 10
Technical Specification
100 95 40 35
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 5.0 V 44 A IQ70050HPC44
85 80 75 70 65 60 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Power Dissipation (W)
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44
Efficiency (%)
34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
48 44 40 36 32
48 44 40 36 32
Iout (A)
24 20 16 12 8 4 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 15 F Tantalum + 1 F Ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout (500 mV/div), Ch 2: Iout (10 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (500 mV/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 11
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 12 V 20 A IQ70120HPC20
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
55 2 0.75 430
9.3 70 3
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;12Vout;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 11.88 12 0.1 0.1 -180 11.700 0 0 22.0 100 13 24.0 6.5 0.5 1 12.12 0.3 0.3 180 12.300 200 30 20 26.0
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5;seeNote2 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
1,500 270 100 -20 14.0 14.6 91 93 10 10 15.3
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicand15Flow-ESRtantalumcapacitors.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleand noise,consultSynQorapplicationssupport( Note2:Trim-uprangeislimitedbelow10%atlowlineandfullload.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 12
Technical Specification
100 95 30 27 24
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 12 V 20 A IQ70120HPC20
Power Dissipation (W)
21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Efficiency (%)
85 80 75 70 65 60 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
22 20 18 16 14
22 20 18 16 14
Iout (A)
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 15 F Tantalum + 1 F Ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout (500 mV/div), Ch 2: Iout (10 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (1 V/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 13
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 15 V 16 A IQ70150HPC16
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
55 2 0.9 490
9.4 70 3
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;12Vout;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 14.85 15 0.1 0.1 -225 14.625 0 0 17.6 130 22 19.2 8.5 0.35 1.5 15.15 0.3 0.3 225 15.375 260 40 16 20.8
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5;seeNote2 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
1,000 500 80 -20 17.6 18.3 90 93 10 10 19.1
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicand15Flow-ESRtantalumcapacitors.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleand noise,consultSynQorapplicationssupport( Note2:Trim-uprangeislimitedbelow10%atlowlineandfullload.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 14
Technical Specification
100 95 35 30
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 15 V 16 A IQ70150HPC16
Power Dissipation (W)
25 20 15 10 5 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Efficiency (%)
85 80 75 70 65 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
18 16 14 12
18 16 14 12
Iout (A)
10 8 6 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 4 2 0 25 40 55 70 85 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
10 8 6 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 4 2 0 25 40 55 70 85 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 15 F Tantalum + 1 F Ceramic
capacitor. Ch 1: Vout (1 V/div), Ch 2: Iout (5 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (1 V/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 15
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 24 V 10 A IQ70240HPC10
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
45 2.5 1.3 500
10.5 60 4
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;trim-up;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 23.76 24 0.1 0.1 -360 23.40 0 0 11.0 200 36 12.0 15 0.15 2.5 24.24 0.3 0.3 360 24.60 400 70 10 13.0
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
400 1300 80 -20 28.1 29.3 88 92 10 10 30.5
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicandcapacitor.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleandnoise,consultSynQor applicationssupport(
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 16
Technical Specification
100 95 40 35
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 24 V 10 A IQ70240HPC10
85 80 75 70 65 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Power Dissipation (W)
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Efficiency (%)
34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
11 10 9 8 7
11 10 9 8 7
Iout (A)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 1 F ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout
(2 V/div), Ch 2: Iout (2.5 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (2 V/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 17
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 28 V 8.5 A IQ70280HPC8F
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
45 2 2 420
10.4 60 3
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;trim-up;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 27.72 28 0.1 0.1 -420 27.30 0 0 9.35 230 40 10.2 17 0.17 3 28.28 0.3 0.3 420 28.70 460 80 8.5 11.1
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
250 1500 80 -20 32.8 34.2 89 92 10 10 35.6
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicandcapacitor.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleandnoise,consultSynQor applicationssupport(
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 18
Technical Specification
100 95 35 30
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 28 V 8.5 A IQ70280HPC8F
Power Dissipation (W)
25 20 15 10 5 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Efficiency (%)
85 80 75 70 65 60 0.00 0.85 1.70 2.55 3.40 4.25 5.10 5.95 6.80 7.65 8.50 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
9 8 7 6
9 8 7 6
Iout (A)
5 4 3 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 2 1 0 25 40 55 70 85 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
5 4 3 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 2 1 0 25 40 55 70 85 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 1 F ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout
(2 V/div), Ch 2: Iout (2.5 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (2 V/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 19
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 40 V 6.0 A IQ70400HPC06
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
50 2 2.6 440
10.5 60 3
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;trim-up;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 39.6 40 0.1 0.1 -600 39.00 0 0 6.6 200 30 7.2 23 0.13 4 40.4 0.3 0.3 600 41.00 400 60 6 7.8
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
150 2250 80 -20 46.8 48.8 89 92 10 10 50.8
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicandcapacitor.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleandnoise,consultSynQor applicationssupport(
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 20
Technical Specification
100 95 35 30
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 40 V 6.0 A IQ70400HPC06
Power Dissipation (W)
25 20 15 10 5 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Efficiency (%)
85 80 75 70 65 60 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
7.0 6.0 5.0
7.0 6.0 5.0
Iout (A)
4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 1 F ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout
(2 V/div), Ch 2: Iout (2.5 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (2 V/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 21
Technical Specification
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 48 V 5.0 A IQ70480HPC05
Ta=25C,airflowrate=300LFM,Vin=70Vdcunlessotherwisenoted;fulloperatingtemperaturerangeis-40Cto+100Cbaseplate temperaturewithappropriatepowerderating.Specificationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.
InPUt CHARACteRIStICS MaximumInputCurrent No-LoadInputCurrent DisabledInputCurrent ResponsetoInputTransient InputTerminalRippleCurrent RecommendedInputFuse OUtPUt CHARACteRIStICS OutputVoltageSetPoint OutputVoltageRegulation OverLine OverLoad OverTemperature TotalOutputVoltageRange OutputVoltageRippleandNoise Peak-to-Peak RMS OperatingOutputCurrentRange OutputDCCurrent-LimitInception OutputDCCurrent-LimitShutdownVoltage Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileEnabled Back-DriveCurrentLimitwhileDisabled MaximumOutputCapacitance OutputVoltageduringLoadCurrentTransient StepChangeinOutputCurrent(0.1A/s) SettlingTime OutputVoltageTrimRange OutputVoltageRemoteSenseRange OutputOver-VoltageProtection eFFICIenCY 100%Load 50%Load
55 2 3.2 490
10.4 70 3
Units notes & Conditions
A mA mA V mA A V % % mV V mV mV A A V A mA F mV s % % V % % Vinmin;trim-up;incurrentlimit(typ)
15 47.52 48 0.1 0.1 -720 46.80 0 0 5.5 180 30 6.0 27 0.1 5 48.48 0.3 0.3 720 49.20 360 60 5 6.5
500V/ms,seeFigure6 RMS Fastactingexternalfuserecommended
Oversample,line,load,temperature&life 20MHzbandwidth;seeNote1 Fullload Fullload Subjecttothermalderating Outputvoltage10%Low Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Negativecurrentdrawnfromoutput Voutnominalatfullload(resistiveload) 50%to75%to50%Ioutmax Towithin1%Voutnom AcrossPins8&4;CommonFigures3-5 AcrossPins8&4 Overfulltemprange SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve SeeFigure1forefficiencycurve
100 2700 80 -20 56.2 58.6 90 92 10 10 61.0
Note1:Outputisterminatedwith1Fceramicandcapacitor.Forapplicationsrequiringreducedoutputvoltagerippleandnoise,consultSynQor applicationssupport(
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B
Page 22
Technical Specification
100 95 35 30
Input: Output: Current: Part no.:
34 - 135 V 48 V 5.0 A IQ70480HPC05
Power Dissipation (W)
25 20 15 10 5 0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Efficiency (%)
85 80 75 70 65 60 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 34 Vin 70 Vin 135 Vin
Load Current (A)
Load Current (A)
Figure 1: Efficiency at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
Figure 2: Power dissipation at nominal output voltage vs. load current for minimum, nominal, and maximum input voltage at 25C.
6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0
6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0
Iout (A)
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Iout (A)
3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 25 40 55 70 85 400 LFM (2.0 m/s) 300 LFM (1.5 m/s) 200 LFM (1.0 m/s) 100 LFM (0.5 m/s)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Ambient Air Temperature (C)
Figure 3: Encased converter (without heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 4: Encased converter (with 1/2" heatsink) max. output power derating vs. ambient air temperature for airflow rates of 100 LFM through 400 LFM. Air flows across the converter from input to output (nominal input voltage).
Figure 5: Output voltage response to step-change in load current (50%-75%50% of Iout(max); dI/dt = 0.1 A/s). Load cap: 1 F ceramic capacitor. Ch 1: Vout
(2 V/div), Ch 2: Iout (2.5 A/div).
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure 6: Output voltage response to step-change in input voltage (500 V/ms). Load cap: 100 F, electrolytic output capacitance. Ch 1: Vout (5 V/div), Ch 2: Vin (50 V/div).
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 23
Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
This converter series uses a two-stage power conversion topology. The first stage is a buck-converter that keeps the output voltage constant over variations in line, load, and temperature. The second stage uses a transformer to provide the functions of input/output isolation and voltage step-up or step-down to achieve the output voltage required. Both the first stage and the second stage switch at a fixed frequency for predictable EMI performance. Rectification of the transformer's output is accomplished with synchronous rectifiers. These devices, which are MOSFETs with a very low on-state resistance, dissipate far less energy than Schottky diodes. This is the primary reason that the converter has such high efficiency, even at very low output voltages and very high output currents. These converters are offered totally encased to withstand harsh environmentsandthermallydemandingapplications.Dissipation throughout the converter is so low that it does not require a heatsink for operation in many applications; however, adding a heatsink provides improved thermal derating performance in extreme situations. This series of converters use the industry standard footprint and pin-out configuration.
ReMOte On/OFF (Pin 2):TheON/OFFinput,Pin2,permits the user to control when the converter is on or off. This input is referenced to the return terminal of the input bus, Vin(-). TheON/OFFsignalisactivelow(meaningthatalowturnsthe converteron).FigureAdetailsfourpossiblecircuitsfordriving theON/OFFpin.FigureBisadetailedlookoftheinternalON/ OFFcircuitry. ReMOte SenSe(+) (Pins 7 and 5): The SENSE(+) inputs correct for voltage drops along the conductors that connect the converter'soutputpinstotheload. Pin 7 should be connected to Vout(+) and Pin 5 should be connectedtoVout(-)atthepointontheboardwhereregulation is desired. A remote connection at the load can adjust for a voltage drop only as large as that specified in this datasheet, that is
[Vout(+)-Vout(-)]-[Vsense(+)-Vsense(-)] <
Pins 7 and 5 must be connected for proper regulation of the output voltage. If these connections are not made, the converter will deliver an output voltage that is slightly higher than its specified value. Note: the output over-voltage protection circuit senses the voltage across the output (pins 8 and 4) to determine when it should trigger, not the voltage across the converter's sense leads(pins7and5).Therefore,theresistivedropontheboard should be small enough so that output OVP does not trigger, even during load transients.
Vin(_) RemoteEnableCircuit
Vin(_) NegativeLogic (PermanentlyEnabled) ON/OFF
5V 50k ON/OFF ON/OFF 50k
Vin(_) OpenCollectorEnableCircuit
Vin(_) DirectLogicDrive
Figure A: Various circuits for driving the ON/OFF pin.
Product # IQ70xxxHPCxx Phone 1-888-567-9596
Figure B: Internal ON/OFF pin circuitry
Doc.# 005-005061 Rev. B 12/10/08 Page 24
Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
OUtPUt VOLtAGe tRIM (Pin 6):TheTRIMinputpermitsthe usertoadjusttheoutputvoltageacrossthesenseleadsupor down according to the trim range specifications. To decrease the output voltage, the user should connect a resistorbetweenPin6andPin5(SENSE(-)input).Foradesired decrease of the nominal output voltage, the value of the resistor should be
Input Under-Voltage Lockout: The converter is designed to turn off when the input voltage is too low, helping avoid an input system instability problem, described in more detail in the application note titled "Input System Instability" on our website. The lockout circuitry is a comparator with dc hysteresis. Whentheinputvoltageisrising,itmustexceedthetypicalTurnOn Voltage Threshold value (listed on the specifications page) before the converter will turn on. Once the converter is on, the input voltage must fall below the typical Turn-Off Voltage Threshold value before the converter will turn off. Output Current Limit: The maximum current limit remains constant as the output voltage drops. However, once the impedance of the load across the output is small enough to make theoutputvoltagedropbelowthespecifiedOutputDCCurrentLimitShutdownVoltage,theconverterturnsoff. Theconverterthenentersa"hiccupmode"whereitrepeatedly turnsonandoffata5Hz(nominal)frequencywitha5%duty cycle until the short circuit condition is removed. This prevents excessive heating of the converter or the load board. Output Over-Voltage Limit:Ifthevoltageacrosstheoutput pinsexceedstheOutputOver-VoltageProtectionthreshold,the converter will immediately stop switching. This prevents damage totheloadcircuitdueto1)excessiveseriesresistanceinoutput current path from converter output pins to sense point, 2) a releaseofashort-circuitcondition,or3)areleaseofacurrent limit condition. Load capacitance determines exactly how high theoutputvoltagewillriseinresponsetotheseconditions.After 200mstheconverterwillautomaticallyrestart. Over-temperature Shutdown: A temperature sensor on the converter senses the average temperature of the module. The thermal shutdown circuit is designed to turn the converter off when the temperature at the sensed location reaches the Over-Temperature Shutdown value. It will allow the converter to turn on again when the temperature of the sensed location fallsbytheamountoftheOver-TemperatureShutdownRestart Hysteresis value.
Rtrim-down =
(511)-10.22 %
% =
Vnominal-Vdesired Vnominal
To increase the output voltage, the user should connect a resistorbetweenPin6andPin7(SENSE(+)input).Foradesired increase of the nominal output voltage, the value of the resistor should be
Rtrim-up =
5.11VOUTx (100+%)
_ 511 _ 10.22
Trim graphs show the relationship between the trim resistor valueandRtrim-upandRtrim-down,showingthetotalrangethe output voltage can be trimmed up or down. Note:theTRIMfeaturedoesnotaffectthevoltageatwhichthe output over-voltage protection circuit is triggered. Trimming the output voltage too high may cause the over-voltage protection circuit to engage, particularly during transients. It is not necessary for the user to add capacitance at the Trim pin. The node is internally bypassed to eliminate noise. total DC Variation of VOUt: For the converter to meet its full specifications,themaximumvariationofthedcvalueofVOUT, due to both trimming and remote load voltage drops, should not be greater than that specified for the output voltage trim range.
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Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
Input System Instability: This condition can occur because any dc-dc converter appears incrementally as a negative resistance load. A detailed application note titled "Input SystemInstability"isavailableontheSynQorwebsite which provides an understanding of why this instability arises, and shows the preferred solution for correcting it. Application Circuits: Figure D provides a typical circuit diagram which details the input filtering and voltage trimming. Input Filtering and external Capacitance: FigureE provides a diagram showing the internal input filter components. This filter dramatically reduces input terminal ripple current, which otherwise could exceed the rating of an external electrolytic input capacitor. The recommended external input capacitance is specified in the Input Characteristics section on the Electrical Characteristics page. More detailed information is available in the application note titled "EMICharacteristics"ontheSynQorwebsite. Startup Inhibit Period:TheStartupInhibitPeriodensuresthat theconverterwillremainoffforapproximately200mswhenitis shutdownforanyreason.Whenanoutputshortispresent,this generates a 5 Hz "hiccup mode," which prevents the converter from overheating. In all, there are seven ways that the converter canbeshutdown,initiatingaStartupInhibitPeriod: * InputUnder-VoltageLockout * InputOver-VoltageShutdown * OutputOver-VoltageProtection * OverTemperatureShutdown * CurrentLimit * ShortCircuitProtection * TurnedoffbytheON/OFFinput FigureFshowsthreeturn-onscenarios,whereaStartupInhibit Period is initiated at t0, t1, and t2:
Vin(+) External Input Filter
Electrolytic Capacitor
Vout(+) Vsense(+) Rtrim-up
Vsense(_) Vin(_) Vout(_)
Figure D: Typical application circuit (negative logic unit, permanently enabled). L
Vin(+) C Vin(_)
Figure E: Internal Input Filter Diagram (component values listed on the specifications page).
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Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
Beforetimet0,whentheinputvoltageisbelowtheUVLthreshold, theunitisdisabledbytheInputUnder-VoltageLockoutfeature. When the input voltage rises above the UVLthreshold, the Input Under-Voltage Lockout is released, and a Startup Inhibit Periodisinitiated.Attheendofthisdelay,theON/OFFpinis evaluated, and since it is active, the unit turns on. Attimet1,theunitisdisabledbytheON/OFFpin,anditcannot beenabledagainuntiltheStartupInhibitPeriodhaselapsed. When the ON/OFF pin goes high after t2, the Startup Inhibit Period has elapsed, and the output turns on within the typical Turn-OnTime. thermal Considerations: The maximum operating baseplate temperature, TB,is100C.Aslongastheuser'sthermal system keeps TB < 100 C, the converter can deliver its full rated power. Apowerderatingcurvecanbecalculatedforanyheatsinkthatis attached to the base-plate of the converter. It is only necessary todeterminethethermalresistance,RTHBA, of the chosen heatsink between the base-plate and the ambient air for a given airflow rate. This information is usually available from the heatsink vendor. The following formula can the be used to determine the maximum power the converter can dissipate for a given thermal conditionifitsbase-plateistobenohigherthan100C. 100 C-TA max Pdiss = RTHBA Thisvalueofpowerdissipationcanthenbeusedinconjunction withthedatashowninFigure2todeterminethemaximumload current(andpower)thattheconvertercandeliverinthegiven thermal condition. Forconvenience,powerderatingcurvesforanencasedconverter without a heatsink and with a typical heatsink are provided for each output voltage.
Under-Voltage LockoutTurnOnThreshold
ON 9ms (typical turnontime)
(typicalstart-up inhibitperiod)
Figure F: Startup Inhibit Period (turn-on time not to scale)
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Technical Specification
IQ70-HPC Family
The part numbering system for SynQor's dc-dc converters follows the format shown in the example below.
IQ 70 480 H P C 0 5 n R S - G 6/6 RoHS Options (see Ordering Information) Output Current Thermal Design Performance Level Package Size Output Voltage Input Voltage Product Family
The tables below show the valid model numbers and ordering optionsforconvertersinthisproductfamily.Whenordering SynQorconverters,pleaseensurethatyouusethecomplete 15characterpartnumberconsistingofthe12characterbase part number and the additional 3 characters for options. Add"-G"tothemodelnumberfor6/6RoHScompliance.
Model Number IQ70018HPC60xyz IQ70033HPC57xyz IQ70050HPC44xyz IQ70120HPC20xyz IQ70150HPC16xyz IQ70240HPC10xyz IQ70280HPC8Fxyz IQ70400HPC06xyz IQ70480HPC05xyz Continuous Input Voltage 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V 34 - 135 V Output Voltage 1.8 V 3.3 V 5.0 V 12 V 15 V 24 V 28 V 40 V 48 V Maximum Output Current 60 A 57 A 44 A 20 A 16 A 10 A 8.5 A 6.0 A 5.0 A
The first 12 characters comprise the base part number and the last 3 characters indicate available options. The "-G" suffixindicates6/6RoHScompliance.
The following options must be included in place of the x y z spaces in the model numbers listed above.
Options Description: x y z
Enable Logic
N - Negative
Pin Style R - 0.180"
Feature Set
S - Standard
Application notes
Avarietyofapplicationnotesandtechnicalwhitepaperscan be downloaded in pdf format from our website.
RoHS Compliance:TheEUledRoHS(RestrictionofHazardous Substances)DirectivebanstheuseofLead,Cadmium,Hexavalent Chromium, Mercury, Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB), and PolybrominatedDiphenylEther(PBDE)inElectricalandElectronic Equipment. This SynQor product is 6/6 RoHS compliant. For more information please refer to SynQor's RoHS addendum available at our RoHS Compliance / Lead Free Initiative web page or e-mail us at
Not all combinations make valid part numbers, please contact SynQorforavailability. SeetheProduct Summarywebpage for more options.
SynQorholdsthefollowingpatents,oneormoreofwhich mightapplytothisproduct: 5,999,417 6,594,159 6,927,987 7,119,524 6,222,742 6,731,520 7,050,309 7,269,034 6,545,890 6,894,468 7,072,190 7,272,021 6,577,109 6,896,526 7,085,146 7,272,023
Contact SynQor for further information:

Phone: TollFree: Fax: E-mail: Web: Address:
978-849-0600 888-567-9596 978-849-0602 155SwansonRoad Boxborough,MA01719 USA
Phone 1-888-567-9596
Warranty SynQoroffersatwo(2)yearlimitedwarranty.Completewarranty information is listed on our website or is available upon request from SynQor. InformationfurnishedbySynQorisbelievedtobeaccurateandreliable. However,noresponsibilityisassumedbySynQorforitsuse,norforany infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result fromitsuse.Nolicenseisgrantedbyimplicationorotherwiseunderany patentorpatentrightsofSynQor.
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