13 dimensions in millimeters - values for inches in brackets - technical data subject to change buchse: crimpanschluss socket: crimp termination abmessungen dimensions buchsensteckverbinder ohne kontakte, frontansicht socket connector without contacts, front view abmessungen dimensions bestellnummer geh?usegr??e polzahl a b c d e f g order number shell size number of contacts 0,4 -0,2 0,15 -0,2 0,4 0,3 0,3 (0.016) (-0.008) (0.006) (-0.008) (0.016) (0.012) (0.012) 30,8 16,4 25,0 8,0 12,5 10,8 19,3 (1.213) (0.646) (0.984) (0.315) (0.492) (0.425) (0.760) 39,1 24,7 33,3 8,0 12,5 10,8 27,5 (1.539) (0.972) (1.311) (0.315) (0.492) (0.425) (1.083) 53,0 38,5 47,04 8,0 12,5 10,8 41,3 (2.087) (1.516) (1.852) (0.315) (0.492) (0.425) (1.626) 69,3 54,9 63,5 8,0 12,5 10,8 57,7 (2.728) (2.161) (2.500) (0.315) (0.492) (0.425) (2.272) 66,9 52,5 61,1 10,8 15,4 13,7 55,3 (2.634) (2.067) (2.406) (0.425) (0.606) (0.539) (2.177) ct50-78s7 15 26 44 62 78 ct09-15s7 ct15-26s7 CT25-44S7 ct37-62s7 5 1 2 3 4 high density crimpsteckverbinder werden serienm??ig ohne kontakte geliefert. crimpkontakte mssen extra bestellt werden. siehe seite 14 und 15. high density crimp connectors are supplied without contacts. crimp contacts bave to been ordered separately. see pages 14 and 15.